Caring for Your Plants

Caring for Your Plants

The time has finally come! You have more than likely have planted your garden. Now it’s time to look after it. After all, you don’t want your hard work to go to waste!

If you’re new to gardening, you are probably drawn to the pretty colours of the flowers and picked up a flat or two. More than likely, these are annuals. They are planted once a year and will last for the season. Most people plant them in the Spring and dig them up in the Fall. They’re easy to look after. Basically, keep them well-watered (don’t let them dry out) and dead-head (pull off the part that flowers) them when the flowers die. Don’t panic, this process promotes growth and your garden will have pretty colours all summer long. A lot of people use annuals to add a splash of colour in their garden to compliment their annuals and fill in spaces.

Hopefully, your garden has perennials planted. These are the plants that will last for a year or so and with the proper care, will last for several years. In the Fall, just trim them right back and in the Spring, watch them grow. Make sure when you first plant them, they go where they will grow best. Some like the sun, some like the shade. Look at the little tab that comes in the pot or ask for help from a garden centre employee. If the perennial has really grown, you can dig it up, split it up in to new plants and plant them elsewhere. If you’ve done that or are planting a new-to-you perennial, it’s a good idea to add a little fertilizer to the spot you have dug for the plant.

Like annuals, keep them watered. The most popular perennial is the Hosta. They’re easy to look after and very hardy. After a season or two, Hostas and most perennials are easily split and can be moved elsewhere in your garden or even shared with someone. A Garden Centre staff member will offer advice about the care for your annuals and perennials.

A trip to Dutch Mill Country Market will give you inspiration. If you need more of any type of plants, hanging baskets and planters, the Garden Centre at Dutch Mill will inspire you. They also have garden type decorations that will make your outdoor area uniquely yours. You can visit them for all your garden needs. While you are there, take advantage of their Open Air Farmer’s Market and pick up some locally grown vegetables. Rhubarb and asparagus are in season, so now is the time to take advantage.

The Dutch Mill Country Market’s Garden Centre is waiting for you!


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533 Millgrove Side Road, Dundas, Ontario



+1 905 689 7253

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